
Showing posts from December, 2024

Leprechaun Trap Challenge (STEM): St. Patrick's Day

Leprechaun Trap Challenge (STEM) Instructions: Build a trap to catch a leprechaun using everyday materials. Follow the design process below! Objective: Encourage creativity, engineering skills, and problem-solving by designing a functional trap that could catch a mischievous leprechaun. Planning Sheet: Materials List: What will you use? (e.g., paper, string, tape, cardboard, LEGOs, pipe cleaners, cups, paper towel rolls, craft sticks, aluminum foil, etc.) Sketch Your Design: Draw how your trap will work, labeling key parts and mechanisms. Trap Mechanism: How will your trap trigger when the leprechaun enters? Will it use a pulley, lever, or hidden entrance? Will you include bait like gold coins, glitter, or candy? Building Phase: Work on assembling your trap using the selected materials. Testing & Improvements: Try triggering the trap multiple times. Identify any weaknesses and refine the design. Reflection Questions: What was the most challenging part of building the trap? What ...

Unique Strategy for Classroom Management: 2 x 10

  One intriguing classroom management technique is the "2x10 Strategy."  This involves spending two minutes a day for ten consecutive days talking with your class about anything they’re interested in, which helps build a positive relationship.  This can be especially powerful with students who exhibit challenging behavior, as it fosters trust and understanding. This subtle technique can significantly improve classroom dynamics and foster a positive learning environment. 

5 Engaging and Fun "Go-To" Activities

  5 Engaging and Fun "Go-To" Activities A "go-to" activity for teachers is a reliable, easy-to-implement task they frequently use because it effectively engages students and achieves specific learning goals. 1. Gallery Walk How it works: Post questions, problems, or topics around the room. Students walk around, discuss in groups, and write responses or comments. Why it works: Encourages movement and active engagement with content. 2. Four Corners How it works: Label the room’s corners with choices or categories. Ask a question, and students move to the corner that represents their answer. Why it works: Promotes movement, discussion, and decision-making. 3. Mystery Bag or Box How it works: Place an object or related items in a bag/box. Students guess what’s inside based on clues or connections to the lesson. Why it works: Sparks curiosity and critical thinking. 4. Snowball Fight How it works: Students write responses to a question, crumple their papers, and toss them...

Scavenger Hunts in the Classroom: A Great Go-To activity

   Scavenger Hunts in the Classroom Scavenger hunts are dynamic, engaging activities that challenge students to search for and find items, answers, or information based on clues or prompts. They’re adaptable to any subject, age group, or learning environment.  How It Works Set Objectives      - Determine the learning goal (e.g., review key concepts, practice vocabulary, explore a topic). Create Clues or Prompts      - Design a list of tasks, questions, or riddles related to the lesson.        Examples:        - In history: “Find the year the Civil War started on the timeline.”        - In science: “Identify an object in the room that represents a simple machine.”        - In math: “Solve a riddle to find the next clue: I’m greater than 10 but less than 20, divisible by 5.” Prepare Materials      - Place clues or ta...

Engaging New Year's Activities for Classrooms

  Here are some engaging and versatile New Year activities suitable for all grade levels that can be adapted to fit your classroom needs.  Goal Setting and Vision Boards - Activity: Have students reflect on the past year and set goals for the new year.   - Younger students: Draw or cut out pictures from magazines to represent their goals.   - Older students: Write SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) goals. - Materials: Paper, magazines, glue, markers, or digital tools for creating online vision boards. - Variation: Create a class goal together to encourage teamwork.  "Year in Review" Time Capsule - Activity: Students reflect on their favorite memories, achievements, and lessons learned from the past year.   - Younger students: Fill out a simple worksheet with prompts like “My favorite thing I learned this year” or “I loved when we…”   - Older students: Write reflective journal entries or letters to their future selves. - Foll...

Top Women in Math History

  Girls in STEM: Throughout history, women have played a major role in the science of mathematics. Sadly, not many are remembered in this way. These woman can be an inspiration to girls and young women to go into the sciences. Woman have been involved with math and science for thousands of years. But it still is basically a man's world. These woman of the past can be used to encourage more girls to pursue a career in science, technology, engineering, and math. Perhaps by knowing some of the accomplishents of women in the past, they too can strive to make history. Of course they can inspire boys too! Here are our picks for The Top 10 Women in Mathematics History #10 Elena Lucrezia Cornaro Piscopia  (1646-1684). First woman in the world to receive a PhD. #9 Hypatia  (lived around 400 ad) The first woman to have an impact on the science of math. She was ruthlessly murdered in her hometown of Alexandria. #8 Winifred Edgerton  (1862-1951) First American woman to recieve a...

Sunday School Behavior Charts

Sunday School Behavior Chart Free Printable Behavior Charts The following charts are for individual students. They are in pdf form that you can download and print. Directions for using the behavior charts. Each one has 10 places to either place a sticker over or color in. This is done each time a student completes a task. You can let them get credit for attendance, good behavior, memory verse, or even bringing an offering. When they fill all 10 places, they get whatever prize you reward them with. Tips for Sunday School behavior are below the charts. Jesus and Children Behavior Chart Circle, color, or place sticker over numbers. Sunday School Behavior Chart #1 Shepherd and Sheep Behavior Chart Color sheep or place sticker. Sunday School Behavior Chart #2 Jonah and the Whale Behavior Chart Color the fish or place sticker. Sunday School Behavior Chart #3 Jacob's Ladder Behavior Chart Color each step or place sticker. Sunday School Behavior Chart #4 The ...

How to Motivate Students

Classroom Teaching Methods to Increase Student Motivation Students who are motivated put a greater effort into learning and have higher acheivement. Most students are not motivated by normal classroom environments. How do you engage and motivate students? Teachers must instill an interest in the subject and make it relevant. Even good lesson plans will not motivate students. Motivating students is a tough task for teachers. Once students reach a certain age, they no longer feel the need to attend school, let alone enjoy it. It is up to teachers to motivate their students. Without at least minimal motivation, your teaching will fall flat and there will be little or no real learning in your classroom. How do you currently try and motivate students? First rule of student motivation Your classroom must be an enjoyable experience. Student motivation will be next to impossible if your classroom does not have an inviting atmosphere. What is your demeanor? Are you excited about teachin...

Confrontational Students and Classroom Disruptions

Teacher Tips for Classroom Disruptions If not dealt with properly, defiant student behavior will lead to more disturbances. De-escalation is the key to confrontational students. The majority of teachers will never have any problems with one. Teaching is a relatively safe profession. But for upper grades, there is always the risk. The students are bigger and have different wants and needs. Teachers should be prepared to confront a student who is raising the stakes in the classroom. Dealing with disruptive students should actually start before the disruption. A teacher needs to be well organized and efficient in running a classroom. Above all, have your classroom discipline and classroom management down. You also need to create a positive classroom. If these three are in pace, the chances of you having a confrontation with a student are greatly reduced. One of the best things you can do with a confrontational student is nothing. At least for a few seconds. Give the student a chanc...

Easy Lesson Planning

Classroom Teaching Tips to Create Easy and Effective Lesson Plans Lesson planning allows a teacher to prepare proper questions and objectives ahead of time. Lesson planning should be quick and effective. How do you write a lesson plan? A lesson plan has a few key elements. Included with a general summary, are goals, materials, samples, steps to completion, and review. Lesson plans do not have to be elaborate. The internet can be a valuable resource for lesson plans. You can find lesson plans on almost any subject for any grade level. The problem is actually using them in a real classroom. When most teachers think lesson plans on the internet, they really are thinking lesson resources as opposed to actual plans. Since every teacher has a different slant to what a lesson plan should be, take the resources and adapt it to your classroom situation. There are many types of lesson planning guides, but we'll go over one that is typical. Three things that should be included in every ...

How Teachers Should Assign Homework

Best Teacher Practices for Assigning Homework for Educational Purposes Homework should be purposeful to learning outside of school and leave time for other activities. Are your homework assignments meaningful? Homework should reinforce concepts, prepare for future learning, and engage family members in education. Homework conjures up images of piles of work that a student is required to complete outside of class. Is this beneficial? Does it actually increase learning, or is it just time wasted on useless assignments? Teachers should take a long, hard look at their homework practices. It seems since the beginning of time, homework has been gleefully given by teachers, and sadly accepted by students. Society almost seems to demand it. Principals cannot seem to get enough of it. Some teachers pride themselves on loading students up with hours of homework. We need to take a second look at the value of homework. It should be useful! Don't assign homework just because. It must add some...

Teacher Stress

Effective Ways to Lower the Stress of Classroom Teaching Stress affects teacher motivation and the quality of instruction. Teacher stress is mostly caused by work demands and student behavior. Teacher burnout is a problem for many new teachers. All teachers know it is a stressful job. Stress and being overworked lead to teacher burnout. The key is to get organized and make time for yourself. Lower your stress level, and you will improve as a teacher as well. Don't cut your career short. Always remember that teaching will never be totally stress-free. However, the job can be made easier over time with a little work on your part. Below are a few tips to make your teaching job less stressful. You will have a very stressful career if your classroom discipline and management system is a shambles. Conquering these is the first step to being a stress-free teacher. Read those articles: Classroom Discipline | Classroom Management Get Organized. You cannot teach effectively unles...

Classroom Discipline Strategies

Easy Ways for Teachers to Maintain Classroom Discipline Classroom discipline maintains order and improves student focus. Classroom discipline is a teacher's plan to control student behaviors. How do you maintain discipline in the classroom? Good classroom discipline can be achieved through a variety of ways. There are many misconceptions about this topic. First, let's talk about what classroom discipline is not. Classroom discipline is not: Classroom management. Read the article on classroom management. It is not Strictly a punishment system Nor is it strictly a reward system. No screaming, yelling, or any other confrontational behavior. It's not a list of don'ts, a cure-all for teaching woes, or to eat up valuable class time. Classroom discipline is: One companion to classroom management, part of a routine class session, and a system to maintain desired behaviors. Never scream, yell, or be in a student's face. You will not maintain classroom discipline th...

Classroom Management

Effective Teacher Techniques for Good Classroom Management Good Classroom management increases the time for teaching and learning. Classroom management is an assortment of approaches to run a trouble-free classroom. If you are a teacher having classroom management problems, you probably are having discipline problems as well. Improve your classroom management, and you decrease your behavior problems. Discipline and classroom management go hand in hand, but they are not the same. Classroom management helps you be an effective teacher. Classroom management is how you run your classroom on a day to day basis, while discipline is your punishment/reward system for wanted/unwanted behaviors. The following will give you a general idea on classroom management. It is not a cure-all. It is a starting point to good classroom management. Only with teaching experience, over several school terms, can you begin to be an expert on classroom management. There is really only one main point to great...

Classroom Games

6 Fun Games for Teachers to use in the Classroom Games in the classroom use the potential of play to supplement learning. They can enhance learning, be a reward, and break up tedious learning tasks. They can be a fun and valuable activity to encourage good classroom behavior. Sometimes there is extra time in class, especially at the end of the day or assignment. Nothing wrong with letting students have a little fun. These games have been modified to get the whole class involved. One of the worst things you can hear is, "I never get picked." The popular kids claim they don't get picked enough, the unpopular kids complain they never get picked. These games solve the problem. (If you need ideas specifically for Brain Breaks, visit: Brain Break Ideas ) Silent Ball Always a classroom favorite. You need a nerf ball or very soft ball. Students sit on desks and toss the ball around. If they talk, they are "out" and must sit down. If they drop the ball, throw it ...