Leprechaun Trap Challenge (STEM): St. Patrick's Day

Leprechaun Trap Challenge (STEM) Instructions: Build a trap to catch a leprechaun using everyday materials. Follow the design process below! Objective: Encourage creativity, engineering skills, and problem-solving by designing a functional trap that could catch a mischievous leprechaun. Planning Sheet: Materials List: What will you use? (e.g., paper, string, tape, cardboard, LEGOs, pipe cleaners, cups, paper towel rolls, craft sticks, aluminum foil, etc.) Sketch Your Design: Draw how your trap will work, labeling key parts and mechanisms. Trap Mechanism: How will your trap trigger when the leprechaun enters? Will it use a pulley, lever, or hidden entrance? Will you include bait like gold coins, glitter, or candy? Building Phase: Work on assembling your trap using the selected materials. Testing & Improvements: Try triggering the trap multiple times. Identify any weaknesses and refine the design. Reflection Questions: What was the most challenging part of building the trap? What ...

What is Backward Design in Lesson Planning?


Backward design is a method of lesson planning that starts with the end goals in mind and then works backward to create the instructional activities. Here's a stepbystep guide on how to backward design a lesson plan:

 Step 1: Identify Desired Results

 Determine the Learning Objectives: Clearly define what you want students to know, understand, and be able to do by the end of the lesson.

 Establish Essential Questions: Develop openended questions that stimulate thought and inquiry related to the learning objectives.

 Prioritize Content: Decide on the key concepts, skills, and knowledge that are most important for students to learn.

 Step 2: Determine Acceptable Evidence

 Assessments: Decide how you will measure students' understanding and proficiency. This can include formative assessments (quizzes, observations, discussions) and summative assessments (tests, projects, presentations).

 Performance Tasks: Design tasks that require students to apply their knowledge and skills in meaningful ways. These should align with the learning objectives and provide clear evidence of understanding.

 Step 3: Plan Learning Experiences and Instruction

 Instructional Activities: Develop engaging and effective activities that will help students achieve the learning objectives. These could include lectures, discussions, handson activities, group work, and individual practice.

 Resources and Materials: Identify the resources and materials needed for the lesson, such as textbooks, digital tools, manipulatives, and handouts.

 Sequence of Instruction: Organize the activities in a logical sequence that builds upon prior knowledge and leads to deeper understanding.

 Example of Backward Design in Practice

 Step 1: Identify Desired Results

 Learning Objective: Students will understand the causes and effects of the American Revolution.

 Essential Questions: 

   What were the main causes of the American Revolution?

   How did the American Revolution impact different groups of people?

   What were the longterm effects of the American Revolution on the United States?

 Step 2: Determine Acceptable Evidence

 Formative Assessments: 

   Quiz on key events and figures of the American Revolution.

   Class discussion on the causes of the Revolution.

   Written reflection on the impact of the Revolution on various groups.

 Summative Assessment: 

   Research project and presentation on a specific aspect of the American Revolution.

   Essay analyzing the longterm effects of the Revolution.

 Step 3: Plan Learning Experiences and Instruction

 Instructional Activities:

   Lecture and Discussion: Overview of the causes and major events of the American Revolution.

   Group Activity: Analyze primary source documents related to the Revolution.

   Interactive Timeline: Create a timeline of key events leading up to the Revolution.

   RolePlay: Simulate a debate between Patriots and Loyalists.

   Project Work: Research and present on the impact of the Revolution on different groups (e.g., Native Americans, African Americans, women).

 Resources and Materials:

   Textbook chapters on the American Revolution.

   Primary source documents (letters, speeches, articles).

   Digital tools for creating presentations and timelines.

   Art supplies for visual projects.

By using the backward design approach, you ensure that all elements of your lesson are aligned with the desired learning outcomes, leading to more focused and effective instruction.

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