Monday, September 2, 2024

Helping KIndergarteners to Stay on Task and Hold their Attention

One unique tip for keeping kindergarteners on task is to use mystery motivators. This involves telling students that someone in the room will be chosen for a special reward if they are following directions and staying on task—but keeping the specific student a mystery until the end. The anticipation of being the chosen one keeps them engaged, while it allows you to reinforce positive behaviors in a fun and exciting way.

Another unique tip is to use a movement break jar. Fill a jar with popsicle sticks, each labeled with a quick, fun movement break (e.g., "5 jumping jacks," "spin in place," or "stretch to the sky"). When you notice attention waning, pause the activity, have a student pick a stick, and do the movement as a class. These short bursts of movement help release energy and refocus their attention on the task.

Try using a *visual countdown timer*. Many kindergarteners struggle with abstract concepts like time, so seeing time visually can help them stay on task. Use a timer that shows time disappearing in a visual way (like a color bar shrinking or sand emptying). You can set it for different activities and explain that they need to finish a task before the time runs out. The visual aspect helps them understand how much time is left and encourages them to stay focused.

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