Leprechaun Trap Challenge (STEM): St. Patrick's Day

Leprechaun Trap Challenge (STEM) Instructions: Build a trap to catch a leprechaun using everyday materials. Follow the design process below! Objective: Encourage creativity, engineering skills, and problem-solving by designing a functional trap that could catch a mischievous leprechaun. Planning Sheet: Materials List: What will you use? (e.g., paper, string, tape, cardboard, LEGOs, pipe cleaners, cups, paper towel rolls, craft sticks, aluminum foil, etc.) Sketch Your Design: Draw how your trap will work, labeling key parts and mechanisms. Trap Mechanism: How will your trap trigger when the leprechaun enters? Will it use a pulley, lever, or hidden entrance? Will you include bait like gold coins, glitter, or candy? Building Phase: Work on assembling your trap using the selected materials. Testing & Improvements: Try triggering the trap multiple times. Identify any weaknesses and refine the design. Reflection Questions: What was the most challenging part of building the trap? What ...

Kindergarten Weather Activities


Here are some fun kindergarten activities for teaching about weather:

Weather charts: Create a weather chart that the students can fill in every day with the current weather conditions. You can use symbols or pictures to represent different types of weather, such as sun, rain, clouds, and snow.

Dress for the weather: Have a discussion with the students about how to dress appropriately for different types of weather. Then, have them draw or cut out pictures of clothing items that would be appropriate for various types of weather, and create a bulletin board display.

Weather journal: Have students create a classroom weather journal where they can record daily observations about the weather. You could include details such as the temperature, precipitation, and wind conditions.

Weather experiments: Conduct simple weather experiments, such as making a rain gauge, creating a tornado in a bottle, or observing how clouds form. These experiments can be fun and engaging ways to teach about weather concepts.

Weather storytelling: Use weather-themed books or stories to teach about weather concepts. After reading a story, have a class discussion about the weather elements present in the story, and encourage students to draw or write about their favorite parts.

Weather art projects: Have students create weather-related art projects, such as a sun collage or a rainy day painting. This can help reinforce weather concepts and allow students to express their creativity.

Weather songs and rhymes: Teach weather-related songs and rhymes to help students remember weather concepts. For example, "Rain, Rain, Go Away" or "The Itsy Bitsy Spider" can be adapted to teach about rain or spider webs during foggy weather.

These activities can help make learning about weather fun and engaging for kindergarten students.


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